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Updates on Soybean Rust and Kudzu

Dec 18, 2014

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Nathan Kleczewski Ph.D

Nathan Kleczewski Ph.D

Extension Specialist- Plant Pathology
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

When I started my doctorate in plant pathology in 2004 soybean rust was all the rage, and for good reason.  The disease posed a serious concern to soybean growers throughout the United States.  Luckily, the disease has thusfar been limited in its impacts and range.  To date, only a single pustule of soybean rust has ever been detected in Delaware.  This isn’t likely to change anytime soon barring an unseasonably warm winter and an early season tropical storm.  Where have we seen soybean rust and what risk does it pose in the near future?  That’s a great question!  Luckily there is a great article that sums it all up:soybean rust in the continental U S

Another issue is kudzu, which is an alternate host for soybean rust.  What about kudzu, you ask?  Well, you are in luck!  I also have a great article on that subject that you can read:Outlook on Pest management Kudzu and SBR