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EHM Confirmed in Virginia Horse

Apr 17, 2014

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A Northern Virginia horse euthanized late last week was confirmed positive for equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM), a neurologic disease caused by equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1).

Richard Wilkes, DVM, State Veterinarian with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), announced April 11 that the horse was euthanized late last Friday (April 11) and that diagnostic samples were submitted to the VDACS Regional Animal Health Laboratory System by a private practice veterinarian. The horse had experienced a fever for three days and began to display neurologic signs compatible with EHM, a VDACS press release said.

Field veterinarians have started the epidemiologic investigation needed to assess the risk of the disease being present in other horses or farms. The VDACS will monitor the situation continuously and urges all horse owners in Virginia to minimize nonessential contact with other horses and to enhance their biosecurity practices on and off of the farm to prevent the spread of this and other infectious diseases. Horse owners should consult their veterinarians about specific ways to minimize the risk of EHV-1 infection on their farms.

Source: Thehorse