16 App Listing(s) found for Education


Developed by: Think.Digital
Countries: Canada,US
A virtual reality experience educating users on how their food is produced and what happens in a day in the life of...

Purdue Tomato Doctor

Developed by: Purdue University
Countries: Canada,US
The Purdue Tomato Doctor app was designed to assist tomato growers in the identification of pests and diseases on their plants. The...

Palm ID Key

Developed by: United States Department of Agriculture
Countries: Canada,US
The Palm ID Key app assists users in identifying various cultivated palms and the diseases and pests that affect them. This app...

Grow Your Own

Developed by: The Royal Horticultural Society
Countries: United Kingdom
The Grow Your Own app, developed by the Royal Horticultural Society, is a tool to help gardeners grow different types of vegetables...

Montana Grasses

Developed by: High Country Apps, LLC
Countries: Canada,US
The Montana Grasses app from Montana State University’s College of Agriculture assists users in identifying the various grasses and grass-like plants found...

Field Manager

Developed by: iNet Solutions Group
Countries: Canada,US
Field Manager is an app that allows grain farmers to manage field-related information. The app gives users the ability to create unique...

Vegetable Doctor

Developed by: Bugwood
Countries: Canada,US
The Vegetable Doctor app keeps growers updated on Georgian vegetable diseases for Cucurbits. The app lists the different types of diseases with...

TortAI Key

Developed by: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
Countries: Canada,US
The TortAI (Tortricids of Agricultural Importance) Key app helps users identify tortricid moths. Users who are proficient at sequencing can use the...


Developed by: British Geological Survey
Countries: United Kingdom
The mySoil app, developed by British Geological Survey, is designed to take a soil map of wherever you are in the UK,...

Certified Crop Adviser

Developed by: Bravura Technologies LLC
Countries: Canada,US
The Certified Crop Adviser app is designed to provide users access to the CEU courses. Once in app users simply scan their...
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