US farms face HPAI challenges through summer

Jul 31, 2024

Persistent HPAI cases challenge U.S. dairy and poultry production


The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) continues to present significant challenges to the U.S. dairy and poultry industries, with impacts being felt even during the warmer months when incidences are typically lower.

This enduring strain of avian flu has recently led to new outbreaks in Colorado, significantly affecting poultry production.

The outbreaks involved 3.4 million birds in egg production facilities, marking it as the most significant single-day event in the nation. Meanwhile, the dairy sector has seen a gradual decrease in cases, with a total of 172 detections in dairy cattle reported so far.

The avian flu has led to a notable reduction in milk production, particularly in the South, where it decreased by around two percent. However, a corresponding drop in demand has helped stabilize milk prices despite the lower supply.

As the industry moves toward the fall, attention shifts to turkey production, which is crucial for the Thanksgiving holiday.

With a reported ten percent decrease in turkey production in May compared to the previous year and ongoing flu cases, the market is bracing for potential volatility as the holiday season approaches.

The persistence of HPAI underscores the need for continued monitoring and adaptation in the dairy and poultry industries to mitigate its effects on production and market stability, ensuring resilience against this disruptive force.

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