Her presentation will cover best practices in product handling throughout the value chain, transitioning to higher-level ethanol blends, providing technical guidance for retail sites, and understanding fuel specifications essential for market access.
The webinar aims to equip attendees with the knowledge to navigate the evolving ethanol landscape, focusing on the importance of adopting higher ethanol blends and ensuring compliance with fuel specifications. Such insights are vital for industry professionals, policymakers, and enthusiasts looking to contribute to a more sustainable energy future.
NCI, situated on the campus of North Dakota State University, serves as an international hub for education and technical service programs in the agriculture sector. Since its inception in 1983, NCI has welcomed visitors from over 135 countries, fostering global discussions on crop production, marketing, and technological advances.
Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your understanding of the ethanol industry. Register for the webinar on Feb. 21 at 10:00 a.m. CT and join the conversation on the future of ethanol.
Whether you're a producer, trader, or simply interested in sustainable energy, the "Everything Ethanol" series promises valuable insights into this critical sector.