PigCHAMP Online will be a key component of the PigCHAMP exhibit at World Pork Expo, June 4 to 6, 2014, in Des Moines, Iowa. “We are expecting keen interest in our online offering at the show,” Brcka explains. World Pork Expo will feature more than 375 trade show exhibits, and welcome nearly 20,000 attendees. “The Show provides us with an excellent opportunity to expose our solution to a large swine audience, not just in North America, but to International audiences as well.”
PigCHAMP sells its software to pork production barns in a number of countries, including Latin American countries such as Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, and Spain, as well as countries such as Russia, South Africa, Thailand, and China. It says it has already booked appointments with a number of international clients during the show to discuss its PigCHAMP Online solution.
PigCHAMP Online provides swine farmers with the PigCHAMP program, hosted on a secure, remote facility that enables swine farmers to easily access the program, to enter data and run reports. The online solution provides all of the unique PigCHAMP software functions, such report drill downs and other types of data analysis.
Based in Ames, Iowa, PigCHAMP inc. is the leading information technology supplier to the global pork industry and is relied upon by producers, veterinarians, and management consultants. The powerful and easy to use suite of tools gives PigCHAMP software customers the clearest vision of their operations, from swine data collection, to management and interpretation tools.
PigCHAMP is part of the Farms.com group of companies. Farms.com Ltd. is a leading provider of innovative news information products and services for the global agriculture and food industries. Farms.com can be accessed through its internationally recognized agriculture information portal, which has business services and resources for more than 25,000 agribusiness professionals and livestock and crop producers who visit its network of sites each day.
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