“It was a little nerve wracking leading up to the names being called,” Paige told Farms.com. “We’re obviously very excited that we were chosen.”
The Duecks milk 49 registered Brown Swiss cows three times per day using the only tie stall robot in Western Canada – a Robomax unit they had installed in 2020.
In addition, they operate 785 acres where they raise crops, participate in agronomic yield trials and raise hay for customers in local and U.S. markets.
Once Marcus and Paige knew of their nomination, they needed to make a presentation highlighting their farm’s successes.
This reflection provided them with the realization that innovation is an integral part of their farm.

“Our tie stall milking robot makes us stand out. It’s something we get called and asked about and have given tours of,” Paige said. “And the format we make bales in is unique too. It’s a (Krone) large square baler that makes small packages within it, and it’s the first of its kind out here too.”
Bringing new ideas and innovations to the farm is a reflection of who they are, Marcus said.
“We’re not really status quo people and are always looking to be different in a good way,” he said. “We spent a lot of time talking with the other regional nominees and I’m going to look into incorporating some of their practices. It’s all so inspiring when you see the great things going on in Manitoba agriculture.”
With this regional victory, the Duecks will represent Manitoba in the national competition in Alberta later this year.
Myron and Jill Krahn, farmers from Carman, Man., were the last farmers from the province to earn national honours.
That occurred in 2014 when they shared the award with Andrew and Heidi Lawless from Kinkora, P.E.I.
Joining the Duecks will be Tristan and Aubyn Banwell of Spray Creek Ranch from Northern St’at’imc Territory near Lillooet, B.C., who were selected the BC/Yukon regional winners.
The 260-acre diversified regenerative organic operation includes cattle and sheep, pigs and poultry, as well as an on-site abattoir.
“Cattle and sheep are our primary tool for regeneration on the farm and they work hard for us every day turning grass and mountain water into fertility,” the farm’s website says. “Using portable electric fencing, we move our cattle herd to fresh pasture at least once a day, along with their portable water and mineral feeder.”
The Banwells will be looking to continue B.C.’s success at the national competition.
Brad and Travis Hopcott from Hopcott Farms shared the national honour with Alberta farmers Greg and Sarah Stamp in 2023.
Farms.com has contacted the Banwells for comments.