Describe where you were when you found out you were pregnant for the first time. How did it make you feel?
AF: I was at home. We had been trying to get pregnant but had some difficulties, so I was very excited.
EM: I was in my bathroom. There was disbelief. Describe the feeling of holding a newborn for the first time.
AF: It was peaceful.
EM: Dominic was born via C-section, so I saw him before I got to hold him and there were definitely tears of joy when I heard him. What’s the best part about being a farm mom?
AF: The freedom our kids have from boredom. And the chance to work with my kids.
EM: I’m looking forward to sharing my love of agriculture with him. He’s already been to the 4-H Ontario AGM so he’s starting to get immersed already. What’s the hardest part about motherhood?
AF: Consistency. I’m very not consistent.
EM: I think lots of people have an image in their minds about the kind of parent they’re going to be. Aside from recovery, the hardest part for me has been making adjustments to how I thought things were going to go. What’s a misconception about motherhood?
AF: That you can’t ask for help.
EM: That it’s easy. What’s your mom’s name? What are some special memories you have with her?
AF: Her name is Judy. She was a really hard worker and was always consistent. She was always steady, and you were never surprised by her actions.
EM: My mom’s name is Martha. I always remember her being out in a strawberry patch and taking us to Storybook Gardens. What’s one lesson you learned from your mom you try to teach your kids?
AF: Nobody is going to do anything for you.
EM: Never letting obstacles get in the way of what you want. When I was old enough to start 4-H, there were no clubs running in my area. So my mom became a 4-H leader so I could have that experience. How has motherhood changed you?
AF: I’m more focused on the future than I was. And I’m always aware of how my actions come across to my kids because I need to set a good example for them.
EM: I haven’t noticed anything yet. I’m sure I will as Dominic gets older. What’s one thing all moms have in common no matter where they are in the world?
AF: Someone depends on them all the time.
EM: The ability to multitask. What’s one piece of advice you have for new moms?
AF: Relax and don’t sweat the small stuff.
EM: Embrace all of it and ask for help when you need it.