The Precision Agriculture Conference will lead off with a Presentation entitled “What is the Potential of Precision Agriculture?” which will include the following presentations:
- The Vision & Potential of Precision Agriculture; Is Precision Agriculture all about the Data?
- How to Efficiently Connect Farm Machinery to Become Precision Ag Enabled
- How Variable Rate Fertility and Populations Can Increase Maximum Economic Yields
- The Power of Crop Scouting from Above with UAVs
- What Can We See? Watching Crops from Space
Presentations also include “Farm Machinery Update on Precision Agriculture Technology” and “Precision Agriculture Players: Agronomy and Software Services”.
The closing presentation will be “Where are We Now & How Do We Make Precision Ag Work?” which will include:
- Profit Maps - Field Success
- Going Beyond Driving Straight
- Field Successes, Partnerships Between Agronomy & hardware
Breakout sessions will include expert briefings on systems such as AGCO, John Deere, Case IH and Precision Planting, the detailed list of Breakout Sessions include:
- Innovative New Technology for Soil Data
- Variable Rate Nitrogen Application: 2013 Field Experience
- What is new from Precision Planting
- Operating UAVs in Ontario this spring 2014, What we learned using a UAV
- Images & Experience from 2013 UAV Flights
- How to Use a UAV to Increase Yields
- Agriculture Canada’s Operational Satellite Space Based Crop Monitoring Imagery and Uses
- R7 Tool - A Comprehensive Precision Farming Solution
- Field Scripts - Prescriptive Planting Tool. 2013 Results With Variable Rate Corn Planting in the US
- John Deere - Agricultural Management Systems
- CASE-IH - Advance Farming Systems
- AGCO - FUSE Technologies for Precision Ag
- Thompson's - 2012-2013 Field Success
The Conference includes a tradeshow with more than 20 Table Top displays and is designed for agri-businesses, farm retailers and farmers interested in how precision agriculture will increase the productivity of crop farming.
Register for the Precision Agriculture Conference