“In the last years we have started internet bidding, my nephew James a electronic buff, took on the challenge of bringing this service to our bidders; because of him we were the first Manitoba company to bring live video from a farm auction site to the world's kitchens and home computers.”
Bill was an advertiser with Farms.com, this week he placed an ad in the Farms.com prairies newsletter that thanked western canada for its great support over the years.
Bill said he enjoyed being on the board of the new Manitoba Auctioneers Association when he served as its president for 3 years.
The family has said that auctions that have already been booked will continue as planned, and then they will take things day-by-day to determine the plan forward.
Bill Klassen’s Memorial service will take place on Sunday July 30, 2023, at 4:00 pm at the Bethel Bergthaler Mennonite Church.
If you are interested in sending a donation in Bill’s memory, donations may be made to the Church of Believer's (Kenya). For more information, visit the company website: https://www.billklassen.com/auction/bill-klassen-memorial-fund/.