Farmers use social media to share stories on Earth Day

Apr 22, 2013

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The FarmOn Foundation based in Alberta, Canada - which is dedicated to supporting young farmers, is encouraging producers to use Earth Day as a platform to share their stories on social media.

The hashtag #FarmVoices has become popular on Twitter today, as farmers from around the world share their stories and images on Earth Day. The social media campaign is part of a wider initiative or movement to ‘bringing farming back’ initiated by the FarmOn Foundation.

The group is encouraging farmers, especially young farmers and ranchers to share their voice. An organized social media campaign through the Twitter handle @farmon has been tweeting out to different countries prompting them to share their positive stories about caring for the land and their animals with the Twitterverse.

More information about the FarmOn Foundation can be found at: To follow or join in on the discussion use the hashtag #FarmVoices. The following are a few examples of some Tweets from the social media campaign:

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