Ban was initiated in May 2015
By Diego Flammini,
After months of meetings with members of Oman’s Ministers of Commerce & Industry, Agricultural Affairs & Fish Resources and the country’s Ambassador to the United States, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe traveled to Oman to celebrate the country lifting its ban on poultry imports from Virginia.

"This is another great win in the international market for Virginia's agriculture industry," said Governor McAuliffe in a release. "As we begin to place a strategic focus on the Middle East, I am pleased to open access once again for our poultry producers to a growing export destination. “
Oman’s ban on importing poultry from Virginia and other states dates back to May 2015, when an outbreak of avian flu spread through many states including Iowa, which lost more than 31 million birds as a result.
Virginia’s Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Todd Haymore was instrumental in leading discussions and regaining the trust of poultry importers based in Oman. He said the country’s concerns about importing poultry from the United States at the time was warranted, but they shouldn’t worry about any poultry from Virginia.
"We understand every country's desire to protect its food supply,” he said in a release. “However, given that Virginia has not been affected by avian influenza and its poultry is among the safest and highest quality in the country, we greatly appreciate that Oman recognized our position and lifted its ban on our products.”
According to the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce, Virginia exported more than $264 million worth of agricultural products to the Arab world in 2010.
Join the conversation and tell us your thoughts about Oman lifting its ban on poultry products from Virginia. As a farmer are you encouraged by the opportunities it could present for you?