This pre-emerge product comes in a liquid premix and has active ingredients from Groups 5 (metribuzin), 14 (flumioxazin) and 15 (pyroxasulfone).
Growers can apply the herbicide pre-plant and pre-emergence up to three days after planting and before crop emergence.
Farmers can use the chemistry to control several broadleaf weeds like waterhemp, Palmer amaranth and common ragweed. It can also help control grass weeds like foxtail, signalgrass and panicum.
Kyber also has effective residual activity, lasting between four to six weeks or longer in the proper conditions.
“By beginning a weed control program with Kyber herbicide, growers will be able to start the season clean by controlling weeds from day one,” Aaron Smith, Corteva’s U.S. product manager for soybean herbicides, said in a statement.
Including multiple herbicide groups ensures weeds don’t become resistant to one mode of action, young crops won’t have to compete with weeds for sunlight and nutrients, and Kyber will fit nicely into Enlist E3 soybean systems, Smith added.
Kyber is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. Individual states are responsible for administering local registrations.
So far, the herbicide is registered for use in more than 20 states. has reached out to industry groups for comment.