AIM Command FLEX can help farmers with more accurate applications
By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content
Case IH introduced new AIM Command FLEX advanced spray technology to help producers with more accurate applications.
AIM Command FLEX uses pulse width modulation to enhance sprayer productivity by controlling product flow and pressure more precisely than conventional rate controllers.
Other AIM Command FLEX features include:
- The ability to preset spray rates up to 30 per cent higher than the target rate on up to eight nozzles.
- 36 separate boom sections give producers more precise control across the boom and throughout the field.
- Speed ranges of 8:1 versus 2:1 can help producers maintain consistent application rates over a variety of speeds.
It can also control drift on demand by allowing the operator to preset two spray pressures and toggle between them while spraying.

“For example, one of the settings could deliver the target pressure for the desired droplet size, and the second setting could produce lower pressure for selective drift control in sensitive areas,” Case said in a release. “Or operators could select a higher pressure for the second setting to achieve greater canopy penetration when needed.”