The plant employs approximately 600 people.
On the site, the ground beef plant will remain open to meet customer needs, and has a workforce of approximately 200 people. Cargill says that its six other U.S. beef processing plants are unaffected by the Milwaukee closure. The remaining plants are located in California, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and Pennsylvania.
Cargill had purchased the beef plant in 2001, which had the processing capacity of 1,300 to 1,400 cattle a day. The company says that for the 600 people affected by the plant closure, it will be offering opportunities to fill positions at other company locations. Individuals who relocate to fill positions at other Cargill locations will receive financial assistance and Cargill employees who are deemed displaced will be provided professional support.
In a release, the company said it will continue to honour its community commitments in the region through until the end of 2014.