“He threw his turban in. It’s probably 10 or 12 feet (long),” Nicole Mulcahy, who originally heard the girl’s cries for help, told InfoTel Media.
“I’m very proud of him,” Avtar’s son Paul told CBC, adding that the religion states the head must be covered.
If it wasn’t for Avtar’s actions, the outcome could’ve been quite different.

Avtar Hothi Photo: CFJC News
“It would’ve been a lot harder to just pull someone up off shore,” Paul told CFJC Today.
“I’m just happy it turned out the way it did,” Mulcahy said.
After the girl was rescued, Paul, Avtar, Nicole and her friend Betty Timmus helped collect and wrap the girl in blankets before Avtar drove her home.
Avtar has been called a hero and some have given him the nickname, Turbanator.