Once the committee started figuring out the details, they reached out to the partners who usually are involved in the show such as Agriculture in The Classroom and Saskatchewan Agriculture to help get the program up and running, said Lane.
“The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is a partner of the education program in a normal show year. So, they come on board with us and help us put on that pavilion and make sure the space is available, free of charge, to the groups that deliver education programs. So, we struck a deal with them that's very similar that says the space might not be at a live show this year, but we want to create a space for the work to still get done,” he said.
The online program gives students the chance to learn about agriculture, which is what the in-person show usually does, said Lane.
“The number of schools and students that are coming to take part in the program is growing, it hasn't stopped, it's our fastest growing part of agribition. So, I think there's a real appetite out there for education around food and agriculture,” he said. “It's become such an important part about what happens at Agribition and educating the kids and the families around all the great things that this industry is doing and providing in a safe and ethical way.”
The program is free for everyone and is focused on content and learning for elementary aged students, said the release.
“It's available to everybody in the province. Whether you're a teacher, or a parent who's doing at home learning these days, it's all available and there's lots of stuff on there to keep your classroom and your students occupied and check back often and watch for updates,” said Lane.
Photo credit: Canadian Western Agribition photo