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In Swine Versation: Swine Industry Age Gaps with Taylor Rock, Production Supervisor at Heimrel Farms

Sep 04, 2023

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Video: In Swine Versation: Swine Industry Age Gaps with Taylor Rock, Production Supervisor at Heimrel Farms

Taylor Rock, Production Supervisor at Heimrel Farms joins us with a discussion focused on Age Gap from Older and Younger where to many are retiring before properly teaching the Youth on the Swine Farm. We also discuss Taylor's journey and workplace culture. Achieving 93% farrowing rates over the last 3 years. In his young career he has seen it all from Fires, hailstones, herd closures, herd breaks, Batch farm conversation, prs roll over. Taylor you addresses a hot topic regarding the "Family Farm"and Working Environment and wraps on answering; What is something we can do to sustain to make the Pork Industry greater by at least 10% over the next 10 years?