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Sheep Farming Videos

Watch informative sheep farming videos from sheep experts around the world. Learn about sheep buying, care, shelter, shearing, handling, feeding, and more.
Real Dirt Road Trip: Sheep Farm

Real Dirt Road Trip: Sheep Farm

Real Dirt Road Trip: Sheep Farm | Farm and ... More
Hypothermia and lambs

Hypothermia and lambs

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about h... More
Sheep Docking

Sheep Docking

Spring days starts early for sheep ranchers... More
Vet Scripts - Helping Orphaned Sheep

Vet Scripts - Helping Orphaned Sheep

Dr. Barry Whitworth explains the importance... More
Vet Scripts

Vet Scripts

Dr. Barry Whitworth explains another cause ... More
Sheep farming Sheep Shearing

Sheep farming Sheep Shearing

This video shows how farmers shear their sh... More
 Starting Your Own Sheep Ranch

Starting Your Own Sheep Ranch

While Shayne Horn and his wife Vicky didn't... More
Video:  Manitoba Sheep Association To...

Video: Manitoba Sheep Association To...

Manitoba Sheep Association Tour Near Altona... More
Practicality Of Drone Use In Ranching

Practicality Of Drone Use In Ranching

They may not replace the pickup, horse, 4-w... More
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