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Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Fed to growing pigs

Fed to growing pigs

Effects of phytase on phosphorus digestibil... More
Topigs Norsvin InGene Interface

Topigs Norsvin InGene Interface

PigCHAMP Reproductive features... More
Global Dairy Markets

Global Dairy Markets

Will Global Dairy Markets Impact Your Botto... More
Foot Rot

Foot Rot

Foot rot in cattle... More
Evaluate Fly Control

Evaluate Fly Control

For cattle producers to evaluate their fly ... More
Overwinter transformation and fate of...

Overwinter transformation and fate of...

There is growing evidence that soil nutrien... More
Hog Market Analysis - Hog Price Rally

Hog Market Analysis - Hog Price Rally

Ron Plain, University of Missouri Extension... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Don Roose

IPTV: Market Analyst Don Roose

Market analysis with Don Roose... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel analyzes new livestock and mea... More
Cow-Calf Corner: Realistic A.I.

Cow-Calf Corner: Realistic A.I.

Artificial insemination success rates.... More
Will China Assist United States

Will China Assist United States

Chinese hog data has shown that sow liquida... More
Manitoba Pork Career

Manitoba Pork Career

Our pork industry is one of Manitoba’s larg... More
Agstar Hog Blog

Agstar Hog Blog

Combination of Variables Affecting Pork Exp... More
What exactly is a "Factory Farm"?

What exactly is a "Factory Farm"?

Often when there is a discussion of animal ... More
Livestock Expansion Bills

Livestock Expansion Bills

Unicameral dealing with livestock zoning... More
 Why did you become a pig farmer?

Why did you become a pig farmer?

People decided to become pig farmers for ma... More
Pork Economic Update

Pork Economic Update

Dr. Steve Meyer - Pork Economic Update... More
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