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The Bobcat ZT6200 Autonomous Zero-Turn Prototype Mower | Bobcat Zero-Turn Mowers | Features Overview

Jun 26, 2024

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Video: The Bobcat ZT6200 Autonomous Zero-Turn Prototype Mower | Bobcat Zero-Turn Mowers | Features Overview

Rethink the way you mow lawns with the innovative Bobcat® ZT6200 autonomous zero-turn prototype mower . This mower travels along customized paths on lawns so operators can maximize efficiency of working on other tasks, while the ZT6200 gets the job done. There’s no need to worry about it running into objects in its path with the smart array of onboard sensors and detectors with the option to mark places you want it to avoid.BOBCAT RIDE AND RECORD FEATURE Plus introducing the Bobcat Ride and Record feature that allows you to record the course to be saved and repeated without an operator on board, for full autonomous accuracy to help you accomplish more.

Learn more about why this ZT6200 autonomous mower is One Tough Animal®.

BOBCAT ZT6200 AUTONOMOUS MOWER Accelerate into the future of mowing with the Bobcat ZT6200 autonomous zero-turn prototype mower. Cover landscapes with superior cuts and remote operation that delivers efficient, reliable performance. With its innovative features, such as object detection and speeds up to 12 miles per hour, operators can get other tasks done while it efficiently does the mowing for you.