Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (66) ›
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Cover Crop Videos (19) ›
Hay & Forage (201) ›
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Arysta Intoduces Tepera Plus fungicid...

Arysta Intoduces Tepera Plus fungicid...

Lynn Justesen, Technical Sales Specialist a... More
 The Importance of managing plant hea...

The Importance of managing plant hea...

Megan Andriankaja, Product Manager for BASF... More
New 3RIVE 3D Crop Protection Delivery...

New 3RIVE 3D Crop Protection Delivery...

Matt Hancock, Regional Business Manager at ... More
 Wyffels Hybrids introduces 16 new pr...

Wyffels Hybrids introduces 16 new pr...

Jeff Hartz, Marketing Manager for Wyffels H... More
Durum/Malting Barley Situation And Ou...

Durum/Malting Barley Situation And Ou...

Ward Weisensel, Senior VP Trading, Procurem... More
CU Organic Farm Crimping Cover Crop S...

CU Organic Farm Crimping Cover Crop S...

A group of Clemson students is determining ... More
Non Bt Corn Pest Management Tips.

Non Bt Corn Pest Management Tips.

Bob Wright, Nebraska Extension entomologist... More
SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity C...

SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity C...

South Dakota soybean farmers set policy on ... More
Pests In Crops Update

Pests In Crops Update

Tom Royer shows producers insects to look f... More
Fertilizing Pastures - Jerry Volesky

Fertilizing Pastures - Jerry Volesky

Jerry Volesky, Nebraska Extension range and... More
What Cover Crops Mean For You

What Cover Crops Mean For You

Farmweek discusses cover crops. It's time f... More
Farm Basics - Neonicotinoids

Farm Basics - Neonicotinoids

In this Farm Basics segment, Darren and Bri... More
Ag Minute - Fertilizer Timing

Ag Minute - Fertilizer Timing

In this Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about... More
Weed Of The Week - Canada Thistle

Weed Of The Week - Canada Thistle

Canada thistle can be a challenge to elimin... More
AgriLife Research Cotton Pathologist ...

AgriLife Research Cotton Pathologist ...

Dr. Terry Wheeler, a Texas A&M AgriLife Res... More
The Future Of Soybeans Is Bright

The Future Of Soybeans Is Bright

The soy checkoff is regularly anticipating ... More
March 9 Grains Commentary: Virginia M...

March 9 Grains Commentary: Virginia M...

Virginia McGathey, McGathey Commodities... More
AGCO Links With SW Ontario Farmers to...

AGCO Links With SW Ontario Farmers to...

Steve Hosking, Product Specialist with AGCO... More
John Deere 9986 Makes a Bale of Cotton

John Deere 9986 Makes a Bale of Cotton

How a John Deere 9986 Makes a Bale of Cotto... More
Iron Talk - Tram Lines

Iron Talk - Tram Lines

Darren Hefty explains the benefits of havin... More
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