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Drought Expanding In South Dakota

Drought Expanding In South Dakota

The latest U.S. Drought Monitor shows nearl... More
Time To Knock Down 2nd Cut Alfalfa

Time To Knock Down 2nd Cut Alfalfa

Cutting 2nd cut Alfalfa , very happy that w... More
 Succession Planning For The Family F...

Succession Planning For The Family F...

As the baby-boomer generation moves towards... More
Putting Up High Quality Hay

Putting Up High Quality Hay

When it's time to make hay, you want the be... More
Planning For The Upcoming Corn Season

Planning For The Upcoming Corn Season

Visit and search “corn... More
Planning For The Upcoming Cotton Seas...

Planning For The Upcoming Cotton Seas...

Visit and search “cott... More
Rice Harvest

Rice Harvest

As Texas rice farmers gear up for 2017 harv... More
New CAP addresses some farmer concern...

New CAP addresses some farmer concern...

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA... More
Lesyk Farm Spring 2017

Lesyk Farm Spring 2017

The Rhein, SK area, located NE of Yorkton, ... More
 Renegotiating NAFTA: What

Renegotiating NAFTA: What's It Mean ...

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says Canada ... More
Farm Tour: 4R Saskatchewan Demonstrat...

Farm Tour: 4R Saskatchewan Demonstrat...

Field day at Agri-ARM site in Indian Head, ... More
collaborative presentations July12 20...

collaborative presentations July12 20...

collaborative presentations July12 2017... More
Southern Rust - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Southern Rust - Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension pla... More
Off-Farm Income - David Widmar

Off-Farm Income - David Widmar

David Widmar, Purdue University agricultura... More
Balance Bean - Amit Jhala

Balance Bean - Amit Jhala

Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension weed managem... More
Market Analysis - Roy Smith

Market Analysis - Roy Smith

Roy Smith, farmer and grain marketing consu... More
How Farmers Deal With Crop Disasters

How Farmers Deal With Crop Disasters

Whether its hail or drought, farmers face c... More
2nd Crop of Hay

2nd Crop of Hay

Idaho Farmers harvest second hay crop Burl... More
Ground-Penetrating Radar Could Help P...

Ground-Penetrating Radar Could Help P...

Ground-penetrating radar might help the pot... More
The Importance of Monitoring Western ...

The Importance of Monitoring Western ...

Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Se... More
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