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Al's Forecast

Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutc... More
Trade Tensions Thaw Ahead Of October ...

Trade Tensions Thaw Ahead Of October ...

Many of the items moved into our internet s... More
Inside a Shipping Container Vertical ...

Inside a Shipping Container Vertical ...

High-tech freight container farms like Brig... More
Invasive Plant Bio-Control

Invasive Plant Bio-Control

Invasive Plant Bio-Control... More
Time To Mow Hay!!

Time To Mow Hay!!

If the rain stops maybe we can mow some hay... More
Baling The Hay! Another 200 Bales!

Baling The Hay! Another 200 Bales!

Baling The Hay! Another 200 Bales!... More
Pre-Plant Tank Mix Tips (Eastern Cana...

Pre-Plant Tank Mix Tips (Eastern Cana...

A 2015 study found that 67% of the pre-plan... More
Wrapping Silage- Using Tube-Line wrap...

Wrapping Silage- Using Tube-Line wrap...

In this video we wrap some oats silage and ... More
Real Dirt Road Trip: Sheep Farm

Real Dirt Road Trip: Sheep Farm

Real Dirt Road Trip: Sheep Farm | Farm and ... More
Survey Says: RWA Production Adversely...

Survey Says: RWA Production Adversely...

Swine producers and veterinarians respondin... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Culling Criteria

Cow-Calf Corner - Culling Criteria

Glenn Selk has factors to consider to help ... More
Weed of the Week - Common Pepperweed

Weed of the Week - Common Pepperweed

In this weed of the week, Brian and Darren ... More
Harvest from the Air: Aerials from th...

Harvest from the Air: Aerials from th...

Look for the full LaRosh Wheat Harvest 2019... More
CLAAS LEXION 780 - Harvest 2019

CLAAS LEXION 780 - Harvest 2019

Beginning of Harvest 2019 with Green Peas i... More
BASF Hybrid Wheat Breeding Station

BASF Hybrid Wheat Breeding Station

The BASF Wheat Breeding Station is a demons... More
Performance+ - Brown Spot

Performance+ - Brown Spot

Brown spot causes premature leaf shedding w... More
Why we roll our beans

Why we roll our beans

During last weeks heat wave, we finished up... More
Guide to Developing a BC Agriculture ...

Guide to Developing a BC Agriculture ...

Guide to Developing a BC Agriculture Employ... More
Harvesting Snow Flattened Peas

Harvesting Snow Flattened Peas

Harvesting Snow Flattened Peas... More
Feed testing for livestock producers

Feed testing for livestock producers

Livestock and Feed Extension Specialists Al... More
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