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Farming and Agriculture Videos

Baxter Black: Working For Wages.

Baxter Black: Working For Wages.

It's another visit with the Cowboy Poet, Ba... More
Canola Stand Establishment

Canola Stand Establishment

A Grower Q&A,Canola Council of CanadaCanola... More
Straight Combining Canola

Straight Combining Canola

Hear industry experts and growers share... More
Enlist Weed Control System

Enlist Weed Control System

John Baitley in Prince Edward County... More
Pork Industry Outlook

Pork Industry Outlook

Pork Industry Economic Outlook - Dr. Steve ... More
 IPTV Market To Market

IPTV Market To Market

Senate Republicans make good on their promi... More
Pork Supply and Demand

Pork Supply and Demand

Domestic demand for pork was very strong... More
What do pigs eat?

What do pigs eat?

Pigs live on farms across the United States... More
Corn Rootworm Management

Corn Rootworm Management

how rootworm resistance might force grower... More
Insect Pests

Insect Pests

presentation on insect pests in field crops... More
Biotech Weed Control

Biotech Weed Control

The approval of a new biotech weed control ... More
Planting Accuracy

Planting Accuracy

importance of being accurate... More
Breeding High Performance Wheat

Breeding High Performance Wheat

breeding of high-performance wheat includin... More
Disease Impacts

Disease Impacts

Michigan Wheat... More
LSW Technology

LSW Technology

Large Operation Load Transports... More
Pre-harvest crop and weed dry down

Pre-harvest crop and weed dry down

Eragon Harvest Aid for Pre-harvest crop... More
Limit Feeding

Limit Feeding

limit feeding to good use... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Analyzes U.S. trade relations with Canada a... More
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