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Brazil fighting barriers against pork meat exports

From Food Biz Daily News

Brazil could triple pork meat exports by 2015 if sanitary barriers against domestic products were gradually dismantled.

Exports this year reached U$1.2 billion. The estimated total sales for 2015 is 1.920 million tons, leading Brazil to seize 35% of the world’s market, a significant jump from the current 11%.

The estimate was presented by Pedro de Camargo Neto, president of the Brazilian Association of Pork Producers and Exporters (Abipecs), to the international media in a meeting at the World Trade Organization (WTO).

"The fall of sanitary barriers is more important than cutting tariffs as part of the Doha Round" he said, urging the Brazilian government to be more incisive regarding new protectionist measures in the international agricultural trade and the WTO – the entity must establish clear deadlines on solving the problems involving sanitary barriers.

Such barriers are justified under WTO rules to protect the health of humans, plants and animals. But Camargo Neto estimates that Brazil does not have access to many markets due to a number of imposed measures with no scientific evidence on risks.

The difficulty of access is almost universal. The United States sent a veterinary mission to the Brazilian Santa Catarina state in April 2008, made a positive report and opened a public consultation to decide whether to allow imports of Brazilian pork.

Click the following link to read the rest of the story on the Food Biz Daily Website.


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