WT Designated Regional Cattle and Carcass Correlation and Training Center by USDA

Aug 27, 2019

By Ty Lawrence
The United States Department of Agriculture has named West Texas A&M University as a Regional Cattle and Carcass Correlation and Training Center.
Three Regional Cattle and Carcass Correlation and Training Centers were established by the 2018 Farm Bill, Title XII, Section 12108. USDA graders and market news reporters visit the centers for training purposes.
The other two centers will be located at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colo., and at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center in Nebraska.
"WT is well suited for this training because we are located in the heart of beef production," said Dr. Ty Lawrence, professor of animal science and director of WT's Beef Carcass Research Center.
The process for implementing the center is ongoing, Lawrence said. WT faculty will facilitate and instruct; WT students also will be involved.
"Students will benefit by having the opportunity to interact with a diverse population of persons in the beef industry and will be able to gain new perspective of how the industry works in other places," Lawrence said.

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