She notes the warm weather and rainfall has helped to improve forage growth and replenish root reserves for the winter.
Harvest operations continue in winter cereals, spring cereals and peas, with a limited number of canola fields being harvested mostly in the Central and Eastern regions.
"For the most part we're at about 90 per cent harvested for winter wheat and fall rye. For spring wheat we're at about 13 per cent harvested with about 25 per cent in the central region. Barley about 22 per cent with big portions harvested in the southwest and the central regions, and oats about 6 per cent overall, field peas were just at about 60 per cent harvested and we've just started the canola harvest."
Farmers are reporting good quality for the most part with yields ranging from 40 to 90 bushels per acre for winter wheat, 80 to 110 for fall rye. Spring wheat yields range from 60 to 90 bushels per acre with an average of 70 in the Central and Eastern region, 25 to 55 in the North Interlake and up to 70 in the South Interlake.
To hear Glenda-Lee's chat with Manitoba Crop Extension Specialist Anne Kirk click on the link below.
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