Virtual Specialty Breeds Consultation

Jul 22, 2020

As part of our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan, Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) is reviewing our Specialty Breeds Policy to further enable and support Specialty industry growth.
To help inform this review, CFO hosted Specialty Breeds farmers and industry stakeholders for a virtual consultation meeting. In total, 87% of Specialty Breeds farmers and 100% of Specialty Breeds processors participated in the virtual meeting. 
The meeting was also a chance for farmers and stakeholders to hear the latest program and chicken industry news, as well as our follow up on the Specialty Breeds workshop hosted in November 2019.
To help inform the review, participants provided input on a number of topics, including meeting market needs and how to develop champions for the sector.
CFO is grateful to the farmers and stakeholders that participated in the virtual consultation and will consider all feedback as we continue to review the Specialty Breeds Policy.
As CFO continues to implement our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan, there will be further information, updates, and follow up conversations on CFO’s Specialty Breeds Policy in the coming months. Stay tuned.

Source : CFO
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