Using ARC/PLC Decision-Making Tools
Silva Gaku, farm financial management outreach specialist, UW–Madison Division of Extension, has posted additional information for farmers and agricultural professionals on ARC/PLC that includes a decision-making calculator. Once you enter your county, type of crop, expected yield, and expected price you can get a comparison of the potential payment from enrolling in ARC vs. PLC. This is a very simple and straightforward resource to use.
Using Cover Crop Decision Tools
Cover crops can help farms remain economically viable and environmentally sound. Jeff Hadachek, Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison has posted an informational video focusing on the economics behind soil health which includes a partial budget analysis of how cover crops contribute. Additionally, farmers and ag professionals can evaluate the impact of manure/cover crop nitrogen (N) has on overall crop profitability by using Dr. Hadachek’s Soil Health Decision Tool.
The economics of the 2025 growing season may be stressful and challenging for many. The University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Farm Management Program is here to help. It is your source for research-based, culturally responsive educational programs, information and tools that inform farm business management decisions to sustain profitable and healthy farm businesses.
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