One of the key elements of the plan, in addition to capturing sunlight with the solar panels, is to provide shade for crops to give them respite from the heat.
“During the summer, in the middle of the afternoon, the sun is really bright and hot,” Whitelock said. “The solar panels will provide shade for crops during the hottest times of the day so they will be cooler, grow more, and need less water.”
Livestock can also graze under elevated panel arrays for relief from the heat.
The research team is working with several types of agrivoltaic panel arrays that are mounted in fields on steel supports. Some arrays are fixed to face the southern sky, while others have motors that track the sun so the panels get maximum sunlight throughout the day. The panels are set far enough apart to allow tractors and other farm equipment to move between them, and some are set eight to 10 feet high to allow livestock to graze under them.
Each solar array contains 60 photovoltaic cells that absorb light energy from the sun. Solar energy forces electrons within the semiconductor material to create a voltage potential, which causes electric current to flow. The electricity generated by the photovoltaic panels on farms can be used on the farm to power irrigation pumps, refrigeration and other processing equipment; stored in batteries for later use; or sold to the local electric grid.
Paul Funk, a retired USDA Agricultural Research Service scientist who continues to support the project, said, “Agrivoltaics has been a research subject in Europe, Japan and Korea for about 10 years. Our task is to build on existing research, particularly by looking at crop responses to partial shade and to shade at various times of day.”
Funk said that every plant has its own “ideal” light requirement, called the light saturation point, which is typically one half or less than the amount of light available on a clear day.
“Excess light can heat a plant; plants evaporate water to keep cool. When a plant can no longer take up enough water to keep cool, the pores in the leaves close and photosynthesis stops,” Funk said. “On a hot afternoon a plant in full sun may not be growing at all!”
“These situations can be mitigated by partial shade, explaining why, in many agrivoltaic experiments, plant growth and crop yield are higher under agrivoltaics than in the unshaded control plots,” Funk said. “There is also potential for the plants to help the solar panels produce more energy. Plants evaporate water, which lowers the air temperature around them. This cools the photovoltaic panels from beneath, and photovoltaic panels produce more electricity at lower temperatures.”
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