USDA To Determine 2016 Crop Yields

Nov 08, 2016

As farmers wrap up the 2016 growing season, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will conduct three major surveys to determine final 2016 crop acreage and yields, as well as, hog inventories. These three surveys, the 2016 Row Crops Coun ty Agricultural Production Survey, the December Agricultural Survey, and the December Hog Report, will also be used to establish winter wheat and rye seedings, grain stocks, and hog farrowings.

County level acreage and yield estimates for corn, soybeans, a nd dry beans will also be set using the data farmers provide on these surveys. USDA’s Risk Management Agency will use the NASS county yields to determine federal crop insurance payments. The USDA will contact approximately 5,700 Michigan farmers and ask them to provide their 2016 acreage and crop or hog production data. Each report is critical to ensure data reliability. Most selected farmers will receive a questionnaire in the mail.

Those not responding by mail will receive a follow up telephone call o r personal visit. Producers receiving questionnaires in the mail are encouraged to complete and return them promptly. Completing the surveys on the internet is also an option for all three surveys. Individual reports from farmers are kept confidential and are summarized to set county, state, and national estimates. The Hogs and Pigs report based on the December Hog survey will be released Friday, December 23 at 12:00 pm Eastern.

The Crop Production, Grain Stocks, and Winter Wheat Seedings reports based on the December Agricultural Survey will be released Thursday, January 12 at 12:00 pm Eastern. County level estimates for oats and wheat will be available in the Quick Stats database on December 15 at 3:00 pm Eastern. County level estimates for corn and soyb eans will be available in the Quick Stats database on February 23 at 3:00 pm Eastern. County level estimates for dry beans will be available in the Quick Stats database on January 12 at 12:00 pm Eastern.

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