USDA: Nebraska Corn Harvest Closing In

Nov 25, 2014

As of Sunday Nebraska's corn harvest was 96% complete, near last year's 99% and the five-year average of 93%, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Nationally, 94% of the crop was harvested with progress varying from Michigan (69%) and Wisconsin (73%) to Kansas, North Carolina, and Tenessee all at 100%.

Sorghum harvest was 97% complete, near 99% last year and the five-year average of 93%.

Winter wheat conditions rated 0 very poor, 2% poor, 29% fair, 60% good, and 9% excellent.

Pasture and range conditions rated 4% percent very poor, 5% poor, 32% fair, 55% good, and 4% excellent.

Topsoil moisture supplies rated 8% very short, 31% short, 60% adequate, and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 9% very short, 28% short, 62% adequate, and 1% surplus.


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