Urban Expansion Poses Significant Challenges to Future of Farming

Mar 03, 2025

Urban expansion is increasingly encroaching upon agricultural lands, posing significant challenges to the future of farming. This issue is exemplified by Quinn Farm, a 200-acre enterprise established in 1982 on the outskirts of Montreal. The farm produces horticultural crops, raises chickens, pigs, and sheep—including several rare breeds—and operates a large farm store featuring its own produce, homemade pastries, and a variety of local products.

Founder Elwood Quinn highlights that the farm is situated near Montreal, one of North America’s largest and most diverse cities. He notes that urban sprawl has led to affluent developments surrounding the farm, with million-dollar homes becoming commonplace. In their municipality of approximately 10,000 residents, only eight families sustain themselves through agriculture.

Quinn emphasizes the urgency of raising awareness about the rapid loss of farmland to urban development. He cites Ontario’s alarming rate of losing between 375 and 400 acres of prime farmland daily to urbanization, describing it as “totally unacceptable.” The proximity of urban populations introduces additional challenges, including concerns over noise, odors, and farming activities that may be unfamiliar or objectionable to city dwellers. Quinn underscores the necessity of continuous education to bridge the gap between urban and rural communities, though he acknowledges the difficulty, stating that many people believe they’re “too intelligent to be educated.”

The farm attracts visitors primarily from within a 40-kilometer radius, encompassing a population of two to three million people, most of whom are at least two generations removed from agriculture and have never visited a farm. This demographic shift underscores the importance of fostering understanding and appreciation for farming practices among urban residents to ensure the sustainability of agriculture in the face of expanding urbanization.

Source : Swine Web
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