Do you know the warning signs that ulcers may be present? Unfortunately, no two horses are alike, and their symptoms may be very different. Additionally, some horses may show little to no signs that they are suffering from ulcers.
Common signs of an ulcer problem:
- Lethargy
- Lack of appetite
- Irritability
- Mild colic symptoms
- Weight loss
- Diarrhea
Although there are challenges in diagnosing ulcers, the best advice is prevention. Avoiding gastric ulcers will save you time and money as well as help prevent unnecessary pain caused by the ulcers.
Some management tips for preventing ulcers are:
- Provide free choice forage in the form of hay or pasture
- Provide opportunities for turnout and grazing as much as possible
- Reduce the amount of grain in the diet
- Feed small meals of grain more frequently
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