TORONTO - TD Bank Group named as launch sponsor for ALUS Canada's New Acre™ Project, an innovative corporate sponsorship program that spurs investment in naturalization projects across Canada.
ALUS Canada, A Weston Family Initiative (ALUS) is delighted to announce TD Bank Group (TD) as the launch sponsor of ALUS' corporate-sponsorship program.
"Nature is one of the most powerful tools we have to help communities become more resilient to the impacts of climate change," says Nicole Vadori, TD's Head of Environment. "By using what already exists in nature we can help preserve the health of the environment, while also generating positive social and economic benefits. We're proud to be the first sponsor of this initiative, as part of our corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment."
With a two-year commitment of $220,000, TD will help ALUS roll out the New Acre™ Project, expand its bilingual materials and raise awareness across the country.
TD will also contribute to 300 acres of naturalization projects in eight ALUS communities across Canada: ALUS Lac Ste. Anne, ALUS Red Deer County, ALUS Saskatchewan Assiniboine Project, ALUS Little Saskatchewan River, ALUS Elgin, ALUS Middlesex, ALUS Peterborough and ALUS Montérégie.
In this way, TD's support for New Acre™ Project will help ALUS' network of farmers and ranchers enhance wetlands, improve riparian buffer zones and expand wildlife habitats in increasingly resilient Canadian communities.
"We thank TD for their leadership in becoming the New Acre™ Project's first corporate sponsors," said ALUS Canada's CEO, Bryan Gilvesy. "Their investment is a clear recognition of the important environmental benefits ALUS Canada's farmers and ranchers produce for Canadians."
The New Acre™ Project is an environmental, social and governance (ESG) solution that enables businesses to make a positive impact on the natural environment in a way that speaks to all Canadians.