Understanding the impact of ASF on swine producers
The consequences of ASF contamination are severe and include high mortality rates among infected pigs, significant economic losses for farmers due to the culling of animals and the subsequent disruption of production, and trade restrictions that can affect the broader pork industry.
Dr. Domingues explains, “Recovery from ASF contamination typically requires extensive decontamination and biosecurity measures, and it can take several months to a few years for a farm to fully resume operations and rebuild its pig population. Unfortunately, the economic losses are very significant and can cost as much as $7,000,000 to restock a 10,000 sow farm.”
In the event of contamination, producers must thoroughly review all aspects of their biosecurity system to minimize the risk of a new outbreak. This includes not only the traditional components such as the movement of people, trucks, animals and supplies but also considering feed as a potential threat, as it has been proven to be a fomite for viruses that can introduce diseases to farms. Therefore, implementing and establishing feed mill biosecurity and feed biosecurity has become a fundamental part of any sustainable swine production system today.
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