SpayVac is preparing to commercialize fertility control vaccines for deer, horses, and other animals, utilizing the patented liposome-based delivery platform technology licensed from BioVaxys.
"I'm enthusiastic about the many benefits of this space," said Tom D'Orazio, CEO of SpayVac for Wildlife. "It is flexible enough for us to do both our research and small-scale production. The facility has a number other biopharma tenant companies, such as Kendrick Laboratories and Plumb Pharmaceuticals, creating a biotech hub and collaborative environment."
SpayVac originally operated out of the University of Victoria in British Columbia but relocated to Madison, Wisconsin, following the pandemic. Backed by the BrightStar Wisconsin Foundation and angel investors, SpayVac successfully expanded its laboratory and secured space in a facility owned by Lytic Solutions. This new location will enable the company to produce vaccines for both ongoing and future experimental contraceptive trials.
"With our licensee SpayVac on track for submitting their filing for regulatory approval in 2025, they expect to see commercial sales, which will generate royalty revenue from our liposome-based antigen delivery platform technology," said Kenneth Kovan, President & Chief Operating Officer of BioVaxys.
Though it's being initially implemented for deer, horses, etc., the potential for BioVaxys' antigen delivery platfrom is quite large, in particular in the growing commercial aquaculture vaccines market. Back in April, BioVaxys and SpayVac announced a joint effort in the aquaculture space to field test single-dose, long-lasting immune-contraceptives in farmed rainbow trout—a market that's projected to reach US$7 billion by 2033. As a side note, the duo has also teamed up to test a long-lasting, single-dose contraceptive vaccine, in captive Asian elephants, with a clinical study current,y ongoing in Thailand.
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