Study: British Columbia ranks first in Canadian Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard

Nov 19, 2019
Leadership in programs, building codes, and industrial efficiency prepares the province to do even more
VANCOUVER - British Columbia nabbed first place in Canada's first-ever Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard, released today — alongside a Canada-wide database on energy efficiency policy — by the Carleton University-based energy efficiency advocacy organization Efficiency Canada.
"Imagine thinking of all that energy waste from our homes, businesses and industry as a 'resource', just like natural gas, oil or wind turbines," said Corey Diamond executive director of Efficiency Canada. "Now imagine harvesting that 'resource' in every community across Canada, creating jobs and meeting our climate change commitments."
"Today's launch of the Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard tracks progress across the country, creating a friendly competition amongst the provinces so we can reach the potential that energy efficiency has to offer," added Diamond.
The Canadian scorecard — similar to the state scorecard released annually by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) — measures policy progress on energy efficiency programs, enabling policies, buildings, transportation, and industry.
"British Columbia's top rank is due largely to the BC Energy Step Code for buildings, ambitious natural gas savings, and significant progress in vehicle electrification," said Dr. Brendan Haley, the study's lead author and the policy director at Efficiency Canada.
"Electricity savings is an area where BC is dropping compared to other provinces. A renewed commitment to expanding electricity savings will enable the electrification of heating and transport called for in the CleanBC plan, without creating the need to build expensive and risky generation projects," added Haley.
Energy efficiency — the energy saved with efficient and "smart" buildings, technologies and appliances — is increasingly being recognized as a vital tool for climate change mitigation. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that 40 per cent of global Paris Agreement GHG reduction commitments can be met with energy efficiency measures, such as better insulation, smart home heating and cooling technologies, LED lighting, and high-efficiency appliances.
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