Plastics, such as polyethylene, are increasingly used in agriculture, for example in polytunnels. Plastic mulch films are extensively used in agriculture, where they provide a range of benefits. They are tucked in around the base of the plant, which can help control weeds and pathogens, reduce water evaporation, and prevent soil splashing on fruit (which is particularly important for strawberries).
The mulch is applied in rows and then removed after the crop's seasonal production is complete. However, even careful land stewardship by farmers does not ensure all the plastic is removed because fragments get left behind and adhere to the soil during removal. After decades of annual plastic mulch application and removal, the researchers observed the accumulation of plastic fragments within farm soils, even in really well-managed fields. The researchers looked for macroplastics, which are plastic pieces more than 5mm across.
Ekta Tiwari continued "We carried out a systematic survey of strawberry fields after the seasonal removal of these plastic film. We found that the distribution was fairly uniform. On field surfaces alone, we found up to 213,500 macroplastic particles per hectare. That doesn't include subsurface particles, which we did not survey. In addition, we are currently analyzing the same soil samples for microplastics, which are smaller particles, less than 5mm across; these are not yet included in our findings."
Most of the particles are polyethylene (identified using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy). In preliminary findings, the researchers found that as the levels of macroplastic pollution increased, soil moisture content, microbial respiration, and plant-available nitrogen declined.
Dr. Tiwari added "The plastic mulch provides benefits, but at the expense of long-term soil quality. It's difficult and expensive to remove these particles from the soil, so once they are there they can stay there indefinitely."
"We tend to think that strawberries are simply things to be enjoyed, but this shows that even something as delicious as fresh strawberries can come with a cost to the environment. We are working with the manufacturers to see if we can mitigate these costs."
There are alternatives to using polyethylene mulches, such as biodegradable plastic mulches, or natural mulches such as straw, but these choices come with an economic l cost. However, the use of plastics in agriculture is also increasingly regulated.
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