Awards recognizing excellence in implementation of member programs and membership achievement in 2024 were presented at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 106th Convention.
Delaware, Iowa, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee and Wisconsin earned the Pinnacle Award, the highest honor a state Farm Bureau can be awarded for program and membership achievement.
The following state Farm Bureaus earned New Horizon Awards, which honor the most innovative new state Farm Bureau programs:
- Delaware, for their #WhyFarmBureau social media campaign highlighting various members from across all membership categories who shared the many reasons they’re members of Farm Bureau. The campaign also demonstrated that Farm Bureau is for everyone in the state, not just farmers.
- Illinois, for Illinois Farm Families’ year-long “We are the 96%” campaign, which shared with consumers statewide the story of the 96% of Illinois farms that are family owned and operated.
- Michigan, for their FARM Science Van. An extension of the FARM Science Lab outreach to elementary schools, the Farm Science Van brings trained educators to schools to deliver lessons that align with content standards and agricultural literacy. In 2023-2024, the program expanded Michigan Farm Bureau’s outreach by 11%.
- Montana, for their May Membership Month promotional materials, which gave Farm Bureau members creative ways to recruit new members. The items included “Join the Herd” and “Tag, You’re It” postcards members were encouraged to share with friends and family along with matching Montana Farm Bureau-branded squishy stress-relief cows, key chain ear tags and cotton roping gloves.
- South Carolina, for the South Carolina Farm Bureau Land Trust, which was created to provide opportunities for farmers to use conservation easements to protect their land from urban encroachment and development. In its first 18 months, the trust protected over 2,500 acres of working farms and ranches.
- Wisconsin, for Gather Wisconsin, a series of resources including blog posts, recipes, an annual print magazine and member activities that connect consumers with the farmers growing and raising their family’s food.