Special Open Farm Day Events Planned for Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre

Sep 08, 2015

The University of Manitoba's Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre will observe Open Farm Day in Manitoba with a host of special activities.

The Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre will kick off Farm and Food Awareness Week by participating in Open Farm Day Sunday, September 20.

University of Manitoba's Bruce D, Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre was built adjacent to the University's swine research barn and features exhibits and displays, including windows into the swine barn, designed to tell the story of how our food gets from the farm to our plates.

Centre Manager Myrna Grahn says, in addition to a host of special activities, the highlight of Open Farm Day is free admission.

Myrna Grahn-University of Manitoba:
Open Farm Day is an opportunity for the general public and people from cities, rural communities to tour farms that are all across the province.

The Farm and Food Discovery Centre has been a participant in Open Farm Day for the last, probably, 3 to 4 years and we let people tour our centre.

Manitoba Pork will be there with their barbecue cart and they will be having pork on a bun so that's really great for anyone who comes around the lunch time.
From 10:00 to 4:00 we will be offering tours of our centre for free as well as tours of the dairy barn.

We also have Manitoba Egg Farmers joining us this year and they're going to be having their enriched cages with their laying hens for the general public to see as well so we'll be touring them out to that site and we're also having the Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers have a site quite close to ours and we'll be partnering with them as well.

For more information on the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre or Open Farm Day and Farm and Food Awareness Week festivities or to register for these events visit FFDC.Ca, email ffdc@umanitoba.ca or call 204-883-2524.

Source: Farmscape

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