By Jonathan LaPorte
Selecting the right seed for your farm starts and stops with profitability. You want to select varieties that are adaptable and will maximize yields across all acres. However, the key to profitability is to also consider more than just yields. The economic returns related to seed and harvest costs are equally important. The latest bulletins from the DEMaND (Developing and Educating Managers and New Decision-makers) series offer insight into these decisions by exploring soybean and wheat seed selection, costs and impacts on farm revenue.
Seed guides can be a little tricky to understand if you don’t have experience reading them or if you have limited experience and switch between companies. Bulletin E-3431: How to Read a Seed Guide (Soybean Edition) and Bulletin E-3505: How to Read a Seed Guide (Wheat Edition) discuss the types of information often found across most soybean and wheat seed guides. The bulletins also review how costs and harvest factors are important considerations in selecting seed options for your farm.
Visit the DEMaND series website to download these new resources today. Check out additional articles, bulletins, webinar recordings and more!