These reports really are invaluable.A lot of times they're used when veterinarians and their producers are looking, especially at disease elimination plans such as PED or even when they're looking at how do they reduce risks in their area? Our industry is ever changing and evolving and swine health also changes and evolves.
When we assess the swine disease reporting system, it has tried to take the changes and the needs of the industry into account when surveying for different diseases.For example, PRRS still remains one of the largest and most impactful diseases and monitoring of PRRS over time has changed, not just from PCR results but now looking at different sequencing, looking at different regional data and other seasonal data to get a bigger and broader picture over time of what's happening in swine health for PRRS virus.That's just one example.
The system has evolved to meet different disease challenges and needs.Along with that there's an advisory group that helps to identify additional points that might add value to the reporting as well as SDRS staff reaching out through public surveys to help also identify potential areas that need to be evaluated for inclusion in the program.
Dr. Becton notes details on the Domestic Swine Disease Monitoring program and historical data compiled through it can be found at
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.
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