Bly and Pete Sexton, associate professor, SDSU Extension Sustainable Cropping Systems Specialist and Southeast Research Farm Supervisor, will start the conference with a discussion about their experience with no-till crops.
“The main themes of the meeting are managing the farming system for soil health and profit, and integrating grazing cattle into the crop production system,” Sexton said.
Other speakers will include Jim Williams, a farmer from St. Charles, South Dakota, who will talk about producing his own compost extracts for crops. Brian Johnson, from Frankfort, will discuss how he builds soil health through integrated crop and cattle production.
Kevin Sedivec, a professor of range science at North Dakota State University, will present his work on managing annual forages and cover crops for grazing.
After lunch, there will be a panel discussion and the Southeast Research Farm board will hold its annual meeting and elections. Continuing education credits for certified crop advisors will be available.
For more information, contact Anthony Bly, SDSU Extension Soils Field Specialist; or Sara Bauder, SDSU Extension Forage Field Specialist.
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