By Chelsea Harbach
Field crop health matters throughout the entire growing season. The types of diseases on crops depend on the point in the growing season and the environmental conditions. Many later-season diseases result from soilborne pathogens over which in-season fungicide applications have no control. Most commercial varieties will have ratings for the performance of their selections against various diseases, including those caused by soilborne pathogens.
It is exceedingly important to understand what soilborne diseases affect your crop so that you may plan accordingly for years to come by selecting more tolerant or resistant varieties. HOWEVER, time is a limiting factor in accurately identifying what is causing plants to be sick in your field.
In the Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic, we are prone to receiving less-than-ideal samples for diagnostics. This becomes more problematic the later we get into the growing season, even leading up to and after harvest. To get an accurate diagnosis, ideally, we receive plant tissue that includes living and sick tissue, as that includes the “zone of transition,” which is where we are most likely to successfully recover any pathogen associated with the symptoms. When we receive completely dead tissue, there is essentially nothing we can do with it. Quickly after plant tissue dies, there is a succession of microbes on the tissue moving from any pathogenic bodies to those that are saprophytic (feeding on dead tissue).