In this blog post, Michael Victor, ILRI’s head of communication and knowledge management, and Cynthia Mugo, ILRI’s policy and engagement stakeholder advisor, share some of this learning, and also introduce the new exciting phase which takes ILRI and livestock advocacy in low- and middle-income countries in exciting new directions.
While livestock are often seen to be at the epicentre of some of the world’s biggest challenges—unhealthy diets, climate change, pandemic threats, biodiversity losses, environmental damage—in low- and middle-income countries, livestock systems are seen in much more positive ways, providing a wide range of development outcomes such as better nutrition for women and children, better incomes for smallholders, job opportunities for youth, greater empowerment for women, and resilience and adaptation to climate change.
Nevertheless, it is clear they must be included—and constructively debated—in discussions to create a fairer and more sustainable future.
Feeding and informing these debates to bring evidence and balance have been at the heart of the GLAD project.
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