SaskCanola Board of Directors: Call for Nominations

Aug 01, 2018

The Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission (SaskCanola) is now accepting nominations to fill four positions on the Board of Directors starting in January 2019. SaskCanola is looking for Board members who have a desire to strengthen and grow the canola industry. The call for nominations opened today and closes Friday, September 28th, at 12:00 PM CST.

The SaskCanola Board is comprised of a total of eight directors. Board members are elected for a four-year term and are eligible to be re-elected for a second four year term. Nominees for the Board must be registered canola producers; a registered producer is any producer who has sold canola and paid levy in either of the previous two crop years.

“It’s now my sixth year on the Board. It’s truly gratifying to see the completion of research projects that we’ve invested farmers’ levy dollars in where the results provide new information that we know many farmers will benefit from,” says Doyle Wiebe, Board Chairman of SaskCanola.

“What you put into it, you will gain ten times more out of it. The opportunities you’re going to have, the experiences and wealth of knowledge you’ll gain, you’ll never be sorry that you stepped up to the plate,” says Wayne Truman, Nominations Committee Chairman of SaskCanola.

Registered producers who endeavour to be elected to the Board of Directors should contact SaskCanola via email at or call 306-975-0262 for a nomination package. All applications must be received no later than 12:00 PM CST on September 28, 2018. For further details regarding SaskCanola’s election, visit

SaskCanola is a producer led organization, established in 1991 and supported by some 23,000 levy-paying Saskatchewan canola producers.

Source : SaskCanola
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