Saskatchewan Harvest Close to Finish Line

Sep 28, 2023

The 2023 harvest has now wrapped up well ahead of normal in many areas of Saskatchewan. 

The latest weekly crop report on Thursday pegged the overall provincial harvest at 91% complete as of Monday, up from 82% a week earlier and comfortably ahead of the five- and 10-year averages of 73%. It is the second fastest harvest pace in the province since 2018, trailing only the 2021 drought year when 95% of the harvest was complete at this time. 

Many of this year’s crops are now entirely harvested, the report said, with the remaining crops nearing completion. 

Just 7% of the provincial oat crop was still to be harvested as of Monday, along with 12% of the canaryseed. Later maturing crops, or fields seeded later, represented the remaining acres to be harvested. Canola was 80% in the bin as of Monday, followed by soybeans and flax at 64% and 63%, respectively. 

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