The strain on crop production from weather variability is compounded by government regulations and land demands from urban and industry growth. Much of this recent industry growth in land demand comes from new renewable energy projects. While farming can continue around oil and gas wells and wind turbines, once solar panels cover the land there is very limited opportunity for crop growth based on their current setup. That is why large initiatives could have such a negative impact on farmland by potentially removing hundreds of acres from production for the next 50 to 100 years.
Furthermore, without clear and consistent rules for reclamation of green energy projects and well- designed bonds, landowners will likely be left with the burden to clean up these projects at their end of life and could further put at risk the chance of reclamation.
Economics involves allocating scarce resources to meet various needs, and land is a vital yet limited resource facing growing competition. The optimal choice is to allocate land to its highest value use. While to many, agriculture might not seem to be the top value in the short run, as land is diverted away from agriculture for extended periods and in some cases permanently, constrained food supply and increased demand through population growth will ultimately expose the value and importance of agricultural land. Furthermore, choosing renewable energy and urban development before agriculture could damage soil and worsen food supply problems for future generations.
These complex land use challenges require a comprehensive strategy that not only looks at the value of competing land uses today, but also the direct and indirect impacts of various land uses over time. Land use frameworks and regional plans do this by prioritizing and allocating land to various competing demands. While four (Peace Region (Lower and Upper), Red Deer Region and the Upper Athabasca Region) out of seven regions covering Alberta have not started the planning process, the South Saskatchewan Region (in which agriculture is most dominant) indicate the importance of agriculture and resolve to limit farmland conversion and fragmentation.
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